Facade detailing for the Amvest Headquarter in Amsterdam: Double story naturally ventilated climate facade. The underside is open, the top is regulated by louvers. In the winter they are closed to create a heat pillow, and in the summer open for maximum airflow.. 2
Facade detailing for the Amvest Headquarter in Amsterdam: We thought the whole project through in the old fashioned way: In ones brain. This created 208 variations in the details. All drawn by hand on a scale of 1:5. Only 54 details made it into the BIM set. So the hand sketches were often consulted for the more obscure intersections. 1
Facade study: Amvest Amsterdam, early sketch
Facade studies: Patent- and World Record holder for thinnest double glass facade with Ulrich Knaack and Octatube.....5
Facade studies: Patent- and World Record holder for thinnest double glass facade with Ulrich Knaack and Octatube....4
Facade Mock-up for InHolland University Delft. Patent- and World Record holder for thinnest double glass facade with Ulrich Knaack and Octatube...3
Facade studies: InHolland University Delft. Patent- and World Record holder for thinnest double glass facade with Ulrich Knaack.. 2
Facade studies: InHolland University Delft.1
Facade studies: 3D printed model. Inholland University on top of the old Ringers Chocolate factory......6
Facade studies: Inholland University on top of the old Ringers Chocolate factory.....5
Facade studies: Exterior stair where the landing does not interupt the upward curve by using a triangular landing....4
Facade studies: City hall and Library den Haag studies...3
Facade studies: 20 years ago for Binkhorst, den Haag. Pen on paper..2
Facade studies: Concept design for a distribution center in the traditional linear Dutch landscape. No trucks visible from the outside.
And now for something completely different....
The culmination of the open stair quest is at Amvest in Amsterdam. Two open stairs as a tripple layer scissor stairs separated by a glass fire rated screen...... 7
The culmination of the open stair quest is at Amvest in Amsterdam. Two open stairs as a tripple layer scissor stairs separated by a glass fire rated screen...... 6
The culmination of the open stair quest is at Amvest in Amsterdam. Two open stairs as a tripple layer scissor stairs separated by a glass fire rated screen...... 5
The New York City Marathon results are published. Margaret was #80 in her age group and looking at "age graded", in the top 15% of women....
The culmination of the open stair quest is at Amvest in Amsterdam. Two open stairs as a tripple layer scissor stairs separated by a glass fire rated screen... 3